
Strength – how much could you muster?

I just submitted an application to be a featured speaker at the #MDRT Million Dollar Round Table Gathering in Toronto 2014.

I was in Philadelphia last month for the 2013 gathering. I was truly inspired by this multi-national gathering.

I decided it was time to step up and offer myself as a featured speaker. This has been a goal of mine for sometime.

Now that I have my own personal website, Youtube channel and Social Media platforms, it’s time.

Let me ask you a question today: If you needed to draw on your strength, your inner being, your inner will, your emotional strength, do you know how much strength, you’d really have? Would you be able to go to the moon? Or dig deep in this reservoir that was really, really deep? And you could just pull out strength or would it be just contained in this small box?

Hold on to that question, I’m going to show it to you today a couple of stories. The first story is about the Iron Man Triathlon in Canada, Penticton, British Columbia, and I decided that the magic age of 60, that I was going to do this triathlon, and I knew I would need strength.

But, I didn’t really know how much strength I’d need, and I got through the 4 kilometer swim, and I got through the 180 kilometer bike, and then came the simple marathon, only 42 kilometers. I discovered at the 10 kilometer mark that I have full-on blisters on both pads of my feet.

What would you do? Would you draw on your strength if you really know how much strength you’d have? I decided that I would continue the walk and I would persevere with patience and determination, and I absolutely found out how much strength I needed. You see, it took me 8 hours and 20 minutes to finish that marathon, and I really needed strength.

The other story I’d like to share with you, is when I came back from the Boston Marathon, to the news that my son had been diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia. We discovered at that point how much strength, we as a family, me as a person, me as a dad, would really need.  We resolved that we would go to the moon drawing on that reservoir of strength, and we went through the chemotheraphy. We went through the radiation and we went through the steroids and we needed strength every day. Let me ask you this, if you went through that situation, your family how much strength could you draw today?

I share stories of strength with my client, I share stories with those that I have an impact on, because I’ve know been involved in this business of life. The business of life  and I know I have an impact with the strength that I’m able to deliver to clients each and every day because you’ll never know how much strength you really have, until strength is the only choice you have. I make an impact through the strength I have, through those stories each and every day with the clients. Strength is the only choice I have.

I would value your comments – I’ll let you know when I hear back!
– DR